It used to annoy me as a teen when I saw all the men watching a game after a dinner, while the women had to clean up and do all the dishes. I also was annoyed when my mother was too busy washing the kitchen floor to go out to see her grandchildren's "show" they put on outside. I vowed to never be like these women. I never wanted to be a slave to housework as I felt most women are. Unfortunately someone has to do the housework. You can't live in squalor. I believe housekeeping shouldn't be gender specific. Men and women should be equally responsible for the messes they make. Women don't have a housecleaning gene, they just have accepted their lot over the years and conditioned themselves to be responsible for dishes, laundry and drudgery, since the men basically delegated it to them. And most men I know want a clean home and they do notice those crumbs, they just would rather pretend to ignore it and let their wives clean it up.