Everyone should do what they want. I didn’t want kids until my sister died at the age of 15, leaving me an only child. Then my focus shifted to creating a family. I was always envious of my friend next door who was one of seven children and had the most amazing parents. They camped out and roasted marshmallows in the back yard and vacationed in Maine. I wanted to join their family. Then I married and had 4 children of my own very young. We never even thought about the cost. To make a long story short, it wasn’t easy at all, but the children are wonderful. They expanded my world, and took the focus off myself and taught me a new way to love. They are all unique people who are nothing like me. First I taught them, then they taught me. I would do it all over again. I can’t imagine my life without them.
You should only be a parent if you want to. It changes your life. In my case, it was for the better.